======================Binary_Types===================== Straight Binary or Natural Binary - A positive weighted code in which a number is represented by N= a0*2^0 +a1*2^1 +a2*2^2 +... an*2^n Each coefficient "a" has a value of 0 or 1. Data Converters use the fractional form of this code: N= a1/2^1 +a2/2^2 +... an/2^n ; 0 1 END AROUND CARRY OPEnATION ------- 00011011 l's complement binary subtraction doesnot require any borrows but does require an end-around carry. STANDARD SUBTRACTION 57_10 „ 30_10 = 27_10 00111001 -00011110 -------- =00011011 2s COMPLEMENT EQUIVALENT 100000000 - 00011110 -------- =11100010 TAKE 2's COMPLEMENT 00111001 +11100010 -------- =100011011 DROP ANY CARRY --------- 00011011 2s complement binary subtraction requires borrows but does not require an endaround carry.